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Automated Trading

Why PickMyTrade is the Superior Choice Over Traderpost

In the world of automated trading, choosing the right platform can make all the difference in your trading experience and profitability. While both PickMyTrade and Traderpost offer tools for automating trading strategies, there are several compelling reasons why PickMyTrade is the superior choice. Here’s an in-depth comparison that showcases why you should consider PickMyTrade for your trading needs.

1. Unbeatable Pricing

One of the most significant advantages of PickMyTrade over Traderpost is the cost. While Traderpost charges $250 per month for unlimited strategies, PickMyTrade offers the same feature for only $50 per month. That’s a savings of $200 every month, making PickMyTrade a much more cost-effective solution without compromising on features or performance.

2. Comprehensive Support

At PickMyTrade, customer support is a top priority. Our support team is available anytime to assist you with any issues, questions, or guidance you might need. Whether you’re new to automated trading or a seasoned pro, our team is here to ensure your experience is smooth and successful. Traderpost, on the other hand, does not match the same level of customer support availability, leaving users to often fend for themselves during critical moments.

3. Ease of Use

PickMyTrade is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The platform offers an intuitive dashboard where you can generate alerts, manage multiple accounts, and set up strategies with ease. For traders managing multiple accounts or clients, PickMyTrade provides seamless integration and automation features that require minimal effort to set up and maintain. In contrast, Traderpost’s interface can be more cumbersome, particularly for users managing multiple accounts or looking to create complex strategies.

4. Advanced Features at a Fraction of the Cost

Despite the lower price, PickMyTrade does not skimp on advanced features. From quantity multipliers to multi-account management, PickMyTrade offers the sophisticated tools you need to optimize your trading strategies. The platform is built to handle complex trading scenarios effortlessly, making it a robust choice for both individual traders and professionals managing client accounts.

5. Transparent and Flexible Pricing

Unlike Traderpost, which locks you into a high monthly fee, PickMyTrade provides transparent and flexible pricing. With PickMyTrade, you can enjoy unlimited strategies for just $50 a month, allowing you to scale your trading activities without breaking the bank. This flexibility makes it easier to experiment with different strategies, knowing that you’re not overpaying for the service.

6. Community and Resources

PickMyTrade is more than just a platform; it’s a community. We offer extensive resources, tutorials, and guides to help you get the most out of our platform. Whether it’s learning how to set up your first automated strategy or diving into more advanced techniques, PickMyTrade is committed to helping you succeed. Traderpost lacks the same level of community engagement and educational resources, leaving users to seek help from external sources.

Conclusion: PickMyTrade is the Clear Winner

When it comes to value, support, and features, PickMyTrade clearly outshines Traderpost. With a lower price point, superior customer support, and an array of advanced features, PickMyTrade provides everything you need to take your trading to the next level—without the hefty price tag.

If you’re looking for an affordable, user-friendly, and powerful automated trading platform, PickMyTrade is the clear choice. Start your trading journey with PickMyTrade today and experience the difference for yourself.


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