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Mastering Trailing Stops with Pickmytrade on Tradovate

In the world of futures trading, effective risk management is crucial for success. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the trailing stop. Using platforms like Tradovate can enhance your trading experience, giving you the ability to manage trades with precision. In this article, we will explore how to set a trailing stop on Tradovate, ensuring you can maximize your profits while minimizing losses through the innovative features of PickMyTrade.

Understanding Trailing Stops

A trailing stop is a type of stop-loss order that moves with the market price. It allows you to lock in profits while still giving your trade room to grow. When the market price increases, the trailing stop adjusts upward, but if the market price falls, the stop remains at its last set position. This feature is invaluable for traders looking to ride a trend without constantly monitoring their positions.

To successfully implement trailing stops, understanding their mechanics is essential. A trailing stop works by following the price movement of your asset, effectively allowing you to set a dynamic exit point. This means that as prices rise, your stop-loss order will also rise—so you can capture more profits.

Setting Up a Trailing Stop in Tradovate

Setting a trailing stop in Tradovate is a straightforward process, but it requires a few specific steps to ensure it’s done correctly. Here’s how to set it up effectively:

  1. Access the Settings: Begin by navigating to the settings menu located on the trading interface. This is often represented by a small gear or settings icon.
  2. Select Stop Type: Within the settings, look for the option that allows you to choose your stop type. Here, you should select “Trailing Stop” instead of a regular stop-loss order.
  3. Adjust the Parameters: You can set the parameters for your trailing stop based on your trading strategy. This includes how far away from the current price your stop should be.
  4. Activate the Trailing Stop: Once you’ve configured your trailing stop, you can activate it by right-clicking on the chart where you want to place the stop. This allows you to easily manage your trades from the chart view.

Monitoring Your Trades

Once your trailing stop is set, it’s important to monitor your trades regularly. Tradovate provides real-time updates, which can help you make informed decisions about your trading strategy. You will notice that as the market price increases, your trailing stop will adjust accordingly, creating a safety net that protects your profits.

For example, if you have an open position and the market moves in your favour, the trailing stop will follow the price movement. This means you can enjoy the benefits of upward movement without the fear of losing your gains if the market suddenly reverses.

Adjusting Your Strategy with Pickmytrade

Incorporating pickmytrade into your trading strategy can enhance your overall trading experience. Pickmytrade offers a wealth of resources and tools that can help you refine your approach to trading. By leveraging these resources, you can develop a more robust trading strategy that incorporates trailing stops effectively.

  • Educational Resources: Pickmytrade provides a variety of educational materials that can help you understand the nuances of futures trading and how to use trailing stops effectively.
  • Community Support: Engaging with a community of traders can offer insights and tips that you might not find elsewhere. Whether it’s through forums or social media groups, connecting with others can enhance your trading knowledge.
  • Strategy Refinement: Regularly reviewing and refining your trading strategy is crucial. With pickmytrade, you can access tools that help you analyse your trades and improve your decision-making process.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even seasoned traders can make mistakes when using trailing stops. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Setting the Stop Too Tight: If your trailing stop is too close to the market price, you risk being stopped out of your trade prematurely.
  • Neglecting Market Volatility: Be aware of market conditions. High volatility can trigger your trailing stop, so adjust your parameters accordingly.
  • Failing to Monitor Trades: Even with automated tools, regular monitoring is essential. Market conditions can change rapidly, and being aware of these changes can save you from unexpected losses.


Using a trailing stop on Tradovate can significantly enhance your trading strategy, especially when combined with the resources available through pickmytrade. By understanding how to set up and manage trailing stops, you can protect your profits while allowing your trades to thrive. Remember to always monitor your trades and adjust your strategy based on market conditions to maximise your trading success.

As you continue to develop your trading skills, integrating tools like PickMyTrade will provide you with a competitive edge in the futures market. Happy trading!

PickMyTrade specializes in automating trading bots, enabling seamless strategy execution for futures from platforms like TradingView, across well-known brokers such as Tradovate.


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